The European Network on Gender and Violence is an interdisciplinary network of over 500 researchers, mostly based in Europe. The network supports exchange and collaboration among scholars and professionals via a listserv and annual conferences. Participation of early career researchers is highly welcome! Network membership is free. To join, please contact Renate Klein.
We are an informal association of researchers and professionals who work on topics concerning violence against women, gender-based abuse, child abuse, elder abuse and related issues. The focus of the network is on research (it is not an association of practitioners) but much of the work by network members concerns practical questions of policy and intervention. The network has a long-standing relationship with Women against Violence Europe (WAVE).
The network began in 1996 at a conference in Banff, Canada, and convened annual conferences until 2003. From 2004 to 2007 many network members participated in the Coordination Action on Human Rights Violations (CAHRV), funded by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme. In 2012, annual ENGV conferences resumed.
Network members do not pay membership fees. Network conferences are supported by public and private sponsors.